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Welcome to free fire pro podcast. I am one of your hosts, BCR, KR gaming, and I am joined today with dad, venture trash, man gaming and flame. Carver, how you guys doing?
Well, good, glad to be here. This is, this is our first ever podcast. I’m excited as you know, guys, I love free fire free buyer’s life. And so in this podcast, we’re going to be talking about free fire news.
We’re going to be talking about tips and strategies to make you a better player. We’re going to talk about what’s going on in the pro world of free fire pro series and all the events, not only here at north America, where we play, but I play on every server across the globe. So we’re going to hit some of the highlights across the globe in the free fire world.
We’re going to make sure that, you know, what’s coming up in the game. Let’s talk about how much we love free fire. So I got something big for our first episode of your guys. I don’t know if you’re excited about this, but this is a big news out in Brazil, which is the land of free fire here, here in the Americas.
This news just hit, , last few days and the TiVo, who’s a huge streamer in Brazil. Signed the biggest ever contract for free fire. Well, maybe we can figure this out. He’s 23 years old. Um, he just won this big competition in the solo competition. And so that’s kinda what gave him like this, this opportunity, but with this three, 5.3 million.
Brazilian money now, I think it’s Reyes is the money. Maybe we can figure out how to begin to convert it, but I’m guessing that’s like a million bucks in the us, like anybody, anybody know how much that equates to, but that seems like a lot of money for a free fire professional player. What do you, what do you think flame, Carver?
I think that
like a lot. It sounds like a lot. Uh, Jake woke 5.3 million Reyes.
Well, for 1 million us dollars, you could buy a new car.
So I guess, so I guess it’s gotta be more than a million dollars. We’ll have to figure it out. Maybe we can figure out they cut.
The conversion rate is 19 cents to
one 19 says to one.
So it’s about, it’s probably, it’s probably a little over a million bucks then, right? So wow. 19 cents to one, that’s like 20% of our dollar. So take 20% of that. Yeah. It’s about a million bucks, but it has a termination penalty of a million us dollar. That’s that’s insane. Wow. So like basically if he terminates the contract early, he owes a lot of money.
Like that’s like the whole contract almost. So like they want to lock him down for a long time. And this guy, he plays. I think he placed a net shoe minors. And as is legitimately I’ve seen it. I’ve seen some videos that you play. I don’t know if you guys see him play, but he is good. And he’s played at a couple of different, uh, you know, couple, a couple of different places, but, um, he he’s known online.
He streams as a, I think it’s Navi. Nativa dada. And I don’t know how you say it in Portuguese, but that’s how I would, I would produce it. I saw I’ve seen some of his gameplay. We watched it play in the free fire all-stars event here recently and he is legitimately this good. So, um, what do you guys say, Jake?
What would you do if you could get paid a million plus dollars a year playing a free fire?
I quit my job. First thing, just quit it right now. Go to Disney land and I would never leave this.
Yeah, you go Disneyland. So, um, Yeah. I mean, just the money in Brazil is kind of insane for free fire. I mean, the money in the U S is really non-existent for the most part, we just had the big free fire pro series event, which Carver that was $50,000, but that was spread over like what 10 teams I think got prideful.
So it’s a pretty nice prize pool, but in Brazil, The prize pool. And then just the, the very next competition is 735,000 Brazilian. So it’s 20% of that in the U S that’s still a what? $150,000 or something like that. That’s a huge prize pool. Yeah. 735,000 Brazilian. So, um, that’s still a huge prize pool and.
With a hundred thousand going just to the champion. So like that’s what, 20, $25,000 just going to the champion for one tournament. This isn’t the tournament to end all like we have, we’ve had one big one in the U S this is just a regular, like next weekend’s tournament. That’s a lot of money going around in Brazil for free fire.
Yeah. So I, so I don’t know, like 11th place still gets money. I can, I could place 11th data.
Yeah. So, so 11th place still gets money. That’s that’s incredible to me because I would think, I would think I would understand like one, two and three, but 11th place are still making money on those.
Yeah, it sounds like it goes all the way down into the however may teams.
There’s 18 teams participating, so, wow. Um, whatever, I’m, I’m all about that. Let’s, let’s get some more of that here in north America and the U S uh, you know, I’ll play some free fire for that kind of money. And
if you’re, if you’re listening, we could use some dough for free,
just support us
Tesla cash. So if, if, if you are listening this, so you don’t know who the TIVA is, you can find him.
I think on YouTube is where I’ve watched Uh, he’s got millions of followers. He’s legitimately an amazing player. He he’s, he’s a pro of the highest degree plays in all the tournaments and he’ll be playing in the free fire pro series and in the world series, that’s coming up in Singapore, I’m guessing with his team.
So that’s exciting. So, I mean, I don’t want to get all focused on what’s going on, but I thought that was crazy. A lot of money for, especially in Brazil, I can see like an American player making that kind of money here and like in regular sports, like basketball, football, but like, this is e-sports in Brazil.
I was just surprised. So I wanted to bring. Uh, there’s other big, there’s lots of big news out there. Cody, you were shared that you were excited about some of the news that’s coming up for free fire here, but you as
a fan. So like I’m I love Assassin’s creed. The latest one to come out. Assassin’s creed Valhalla.
I personally, I love. I love Vikings. So it was right, right in the vein of what I was thinking, but free fire has a crossover with Assassin’s creed coming up, and that is, it is the first crossover of 2022. Now I know FreeWire has done a ton of crossovers. They had a tack on Titan one punch man, um, venom last year.
That was awesome to see free fire and, uh, the venom movie. Uh, but I’m personally the most excited about this crossover because. I love Assassin’s creed. I’ve I’ve been playing back since 2007 when the first game came out and it blew my mind and it was awesome. And I have been playing ever since I, my favorite, I think that I’ve played so far as black flag.
So I don’t know if, I don’t know if the individual characters, the individual characters through the series are going to come out, but it would be cool to see some of those make an appearance in free.
Yeah. I mean, I think it’d be great. I mean, what do you think a Carver? I mean, flave carbon. I went to watch the movie venom and we were so surprised that venom, uh, had free fire on the TV.
And that was a big collab, but we were a little disappointed about the character bottles of the game. Cover, share a little bit about your thoughts and maybe what you’re hoping for, for Assassin’s creed.
So the character models they set in, like they were good. There’s a nice, t-shirt cool helmet. You got from the venom cloud.
But for the next class, I’m hoping for like a full suit, like they did with the one punch man, something a little bit more, everything, just all out, you know, they take this club to the next level. They really push it to, for all the Assassin’s creed fans that play free. Fuck. They can all come and enjoy it.
And really just like get invested in the game.
I mean, because honestly they did attack on Titan. They had tons of character miles. They were the characters in the game and the characters in the series. I gotta strike on Tik TOK for stream and basically the characters in the game. Thanks, Tik TOK and the attack on Titan for that.
Um, but like the vitamin was a little bit of left out. There was no veteran in the game. It was a t-shirt and a, in a, in a motorcycle helmet. That was kind of his point. I know Jake. Um, you think you’re a fan of this essence? Great to.
Oh, yeah. Uh, like a played about all the Assassin’s creed, same as Cody and stuff.
Uh, if I had to choose one character that they were bringing to the game, it’d be the original outer ear. When it came to the game, it’s simple, you know, simple modeling for the engineers over there. Just white. With a hood, they’ve got a hundred characters that kind of look like that right now. So make it
easy on them.
So, yeah, I think, I do think it’d be cool. I’ve seen some of the leaks. I haven’t seen a leak of a character model yet, but I saw a leak of a backpack. That’s like the bird. Cause you know, you have that giant bird. Yeah. Flies around. And, uh, so it looks like there’s gonna be a backpack with wings and the big eel like Eagle.
Um, so that’s kinda our Falcon, whatever it is, but it’d be pretty pretty, I think
it’s maybe a new glue wall, new glue, all for the Assassin’s creed would be awesome. That’d be sweet. Like I’m thinking just the glue wall with the Assassin’s creed, like iconic, you know, uh, what do you call it? It’s like the triangle with the skull,
the cow
you think they’ll do.
Do you think they’ll do the wrist knife? That’d be pretty sweet now,
probably not the risk, but they may do a nice
free fire could pro I don’t think they have enough data in the data packs to put that, that in the game, but that’s how it’s a mobile game. So I don’t know that they’re going to get that. I mean, the
best part is if the, if they do the CoLab and they go all the way in, there are so many, there’s so many options.
Skins and everything. And Assassin’s creed. I mean, you could go to the depths. I like a, the new character from Valhalla. I would, I would love to
see him, but yeah. Yeah. I doubt that’s going to be the new character. I think it’s probably gonna be the classic based on look up the leaks, but so that’s exciting news.
It’s coming up also big news. We we’ve we’ve just talked about recently is, uh, Trash man, flame, Carver and I are all influencers with free fire. So we’re excited that we have access to the advanced server coming up for OB 33 carpet. Do you have some more information about what’s ha what’s coming up.
be 33. I do there some rumors I have here for an OB 30, 33. Um, it’s says it’s supposed to come out in March of 2022. I’m out around March 20. 23rd, somewhere around then we’re going to get some new features. There’s gonna be two new characters. Want to snow? Well, who’s going to have a new ability, which within five seconds of being hit by snow.
Well, enemies are unable to activate their skills for 30 seconds. So that’s insane. That’s really going to shut down their abilities for their combat and another new server. Who’s going to going desert consumes 40 HP to increase damage and last for five seconds. Cool. Down to 45 and you basically consume your health and then you can deal out like two times the damage.
There’s a new. I don’t it’s it’s unconfirmed what it is, but there is a
new pack coming. There’s always a new pet. Yeah. At this point, who knows what’s going to be, it might be like they already got like a Falcon in the game that would have been great with Assassin’s traits. I have no idea what the con come up with.
Maybe a hamster. I
don’t know. I want to see a planet.
Um, and so what’s the date you on? Uh,
March 3rd,
23rd, March 23rd. So yeah, so we’ve got, got about six weeks. So, and normally we get one, a couple of weeks before they give us access to the advanced server. We get about a week with it. So we’ll get a play with it.
We’re going to show it to you guys. I know we love doing that. Making content for you. And then there’s a week where they kind of shut it down. Um, but here’s a cool thing. A trash man. I know you like this stuff. The last couple, uh, advanced servers, they’ve given us patch notes, which they’ve never, I’ve never seen them put the patch notes out before.
And why, why is that important for us as gamers to know the passionate.
Uh, well, the more, you know, the more, you know, you know, if it’s, if you’re looking at weapon data and you want to see which weapons hitting harder, you got to know, got to learn, to read the percentages, to see which ones are getting buffed, which ones are getting Nerf.
And with any game, you know, there’s always people that’s like, oh, this got a secret buff or this got a secret nerve. And. You don’t know unless you see that raw data. And, you know, for one, everybody in war like war zone have always said that this guns getting has been secretly buffed 18 times turns out data hasn’t changed in two years.
Right. So it’s just, it’s just making it easier for the players to know, know the field, know what you know, you’re playing in these tournaments. You definitely want to take the strongest guns instead of.
Right. It’s
a way to study the data and get a leg up for the guy who actually wants to participate in tournaments and programs, you know, for the everyday, uh, gamer, the average, Joe, they’re not paying attention to all of that, but it’s still helpful because it gives you the backdoor into what, what the programmers are trying to do as they, as they make the game better.
Right. No, that makes sense. And I mean, one of the things I’m excited about us, they have made some steps in, they used to do some, some proper God balancing cause the guns. One of my, one of my things that frustrated me the most about free fire is the guns were all the same for the first year and a half.
I’ve been playing this game. Like there’s no real separation of guns. You can, every gun does about the same, the time to kill, which is the TTK is like one on almost every gun. If you shot, they have been working that down with this big. They’ve made the sub machine guns much weaker. They’ve weakened the in 500 long range.
Now can’t get a one tap headshot, um, especially if the guy’s got a helmet on. And so I think they’re going to keep staggering that down. I hope so where they make the game more and more competitive for the headshot value. It’s still. It’s significant, but nowhere near as significant as it has been so that every gun comes more into a strategy component.
So I’m excited about that. I know a lot of people listening and watching will be like, I want to keep the one tap up in competitive gameplay. That’s not really competitive. That’s a stylistic. And so you want to bounce things for strategy. And so that’s exciting. And as we talk about like these changes, that leads us into talking about some strategy.
Cause we want to make sure if you’re listening to this podcast, you can, you can have some strategy aspect to it. So I want to share with you guys and get your thoughts on this. So in, um, in, I got an article here from a website, FF to Brazilian website, translate Portuguese, like, nah, Speak Portuguese as well, but I can read some things.
So there’s five mistakes that, that they say free fire players make an early game. And I want to go over these. Let’s talk about these and let me know if you actually make these mistakes or not. And then, um, maybe if this is good advice, so that the mistake number one is that, um, players are too aggressive, early gay that essentially.
Early game. If you rush out there and you’re not maybe the best player you’re going to be eliminated, you’re going to get killed quick. Would you guys, what do you think about that? You think that is just
one of us as the worst one of us. I will agree with that. Yeah. Every time I rush out, I get a I’m eager beaver and I want to go, you know, I want to go score for my team.
I always
Every time. Yeah. You know, you just drop after you’re playing a few games in a row and you’re dying over and over. And your first instinct is just, I want to go rush since I haven’t had any action and you just, you land and you just take off dying back to lobby and you just repeat that process over and over and over again.
It’s the boredom factor for a lot of people, right? I don’t want to just sit here and camp or run around the bat. I want to kill people, but the problem is when you have the boredom factor, you’re probably going to get yourself into bed. So.
Yeah. I mean, for me, every time I drop it’s, uh, someone always finds a gun that is significantly better than me.
So right off the rip, right, right off the rip, I landed on free fire knife and a med kit. And these guys have got like the, he’s got the double, double mat to be a glue wall and a, you know, level four shield and helmet. Like what, how do you get that? Um, yeah, no, I definitely agree with that. Um, so that’s, that’s mistake why I think we all think that you get, if you’re not, you don’t have a high K D, which is a kill death ratio, maybe play a little bit slower in your battle, right?
Yeah. Um, and the next one, number two on this list was failing to loot fast enough. Now, flame, Carver, explain what looting is like for anybody that doesn’t know what Ludy is.
Basically when you land in and you have nothing and you run through all the houses, all through the fields, picking up the best loot, switching guns in and out, switching out your vest, trying to find the best gear.
So you can, you know, you can survive the game, beat other players, get that victory, but you know, so you just have to drop it and fight.
Right. And, and really when you’re looking at loop, I think we all agree. There’s a finite amount of loot at east location in the game. And some locations have more buildings which tend to have more loot than others.
Uh, and so if you don’t, if you’re too aggressive and you don’t lose, I mean, you’re going to get caught facing somebody with a much better gun and better protection than you have, and that’s not going to end well, the majority of time for you, I would think any other thoughts about looting early games?
Uh, well, I’ll play devil’s advocate on this one.
And a lot of people get so focused on looting that they start tearing through these houses and don’t see the enemy moving in. Uh, I’ve seen that more often than not myself. Just you’d be running through a house you’re collecting loot. And next thing you know, three guys just flipped you off to the side.
So, but outside of that, yeah. Getting the, getting loot early on can set you up for a good late game. So it’s kind of. 50 50
balance. We saw this in a, in the last tournament we just had here in the U S we just had the Alpine tournament and the very first game we broadcast a team was looting way too long in the train station, and they weren’t paying attention to another team.
It’s snowfall came down and it made they grant got, they got guns and they charged, the other team was still looting all over the place. Got, got caught and got wiped with it. Second. I mean, it was a couple of seconds they were done. Uh, and so you have to look fast enough that you could defend yourself, but not too slow that you’re not paying attention to the enemy.
I think that’s what worst. Number three on this list was rotating too early to look for opponents, Cody, you play a lot of battle white house and, you know, rotation circle rotation is a big part of the game, but rotating too early, kind of goes hand in hand with what we’re saying about Luke. Um, what are some of your thoughts about that?
Well, I, I would say, yeah, rotating too early has got me killed quite a bit. Like, because you, you want to, you want to get the jump, but a lot of times you’re not paying attention. Right. And you, so you, you, you miss out on what you should be paying attention to in your periphery, like your peripheral vision.
Right? So, uh, as the character, so I would say, I would say slow and steady, right? Not, not quick, but surveying what you’re seeing in front of you and not, not being too quick to.
Right. No, I would agree with that. Like, it’s make sure you have what you need to defend yourself. Like if you need, if you’re a player, you know, you, the blue walls to defend stuff, get blue walls.
If you know, you need to have, um, a helmet armor, uh, got your vest on and go ahead and get vested up. Get, get a helmet on, get the right gear. Get you a long range and a short range weapon. That way have med kits have glue walls, have grenades. Um, yeah, you shouldn’t spend forever. I think when she agree, five garbage has been forever looking for those things, but you’d need to have some, at least something to go into battle with.
Uh, okay. So number let’s go. The next one. Number, number four, maybe, maybe trash man. You could explain why this one’s important. Trying to enter a blue zone to find opponents. Why is this a mistake that some free fire players make early games?
I’m trying to think about what they’re referring to the blue zone there, because I’ve not heard that term yet.
The blue zone is the big, giant the map where all the good load is.
Oh, because it’s quite frankly, everyone’s going to be there. Anybody that is that a high KD, that’s essentially a hot drop. They’re going to go there and they are going to wipe the board. If you are less, you know, less lesser caliber player, they, they will absolutely wipe the boards with you.
Um, so does some of these teams just like any other battle Royale, they play the good, the really good teams. They play a lot together, so they know each other’s strengths and weaknesses and they set up strategy. Kiss for that,
right? Yeah. And that’s the survival and the blue zone is not a guarantee. T what is a guarantee?
You’re going to fight hackers who want to get a bunch of early game kills, and you’re going to find pro level players who know they’re better than you who have high kill death ratios who are going to jump in there, get better weapons quick, and then eliminate you on their way to placing higher in the map.
So, uh, if you are a lower Kilduff player, Maybe don’t jump blue zone, maybe jump some other zone far away from the blue zone. And especially they gotta take this into account flame cover. Make sure that the blues out with it, the blue zones on the map, and there’s a player laundry and the blue zone that you don’t land somewhere.
That player launchers shoot two from the blue zone, because you’re just going to get, you’re just going to get ambushed quick when agreed with that. All right. And so this is a baby. This is. I’m going to confession. Probably the one thing that I have the most problem with is this last one. So not sticking together during team games.
I know, I know what I play, but I play any game with . This is a problem. You, he will always be 200 or 300 meters away doing who knows what looting typically, while we’re actually trying to play the game. But on the map, it looks so close. Yeah. It’s not close. And so. Why do you need to stick together with your team during, in battle Royale
Well, hang on, hang on, hang on. You called out the Zercher. I get to call out you cow, because he said, I struggle with this one. This is what I get. I get 90% of the time. Hey, come pick me up. No, there’s three dudes in that building. I’m going to get the same thing you got.
No, I think that you could clear them out.
That’s what I think you can tell all of them and no statistic.
And gameplay footage shows. No, no.
With Markel death ratio, you’re going to die. That is what you’re saying.
Yes. I will be going to find more loot and get away to get you back. Like
yeah. I like to rush the enemy the low, because typically I do believe that I could wipe 2, 3, 4 guys.
Um, that’s, that’s my, my mindset and a lot of games. Uh, it’s not always the case, especially in a battle Royale in free fire, but I have that mindset which gets me often in to needing revived. So, uh, so one of the things right, we’re saying here, don’t rush the enemy alone. What, what do you think is a better strategy for a, maybe a newer beginning player?
Carver, when it comes to their team.
A good thing to begin when you’re getting a new team is just find people who compliment what you play. Like if you’re not the best at the game, since you’re just starting. You can either go play with some other people who aren’t the best and you can all like learn to play together and learn to play as a team.
That’s the best way. Cause then as you build up, you become a great team, great teamwork, or you can join some players who know how to play and you can get some tips and tricks from them. But the main thing is just stick with your team, share the loot, do the, call-outs tell them where they are. You know, if a person gets down, don’t be greedy and just going for the kill, kill him, then go in.
Cause then, you know, it’s better for on three then four on one. Right?
No, I think that’s good. That’s that’s that’s good advice. Well, those are the five. I think we agree with them. There’s probably others. Maybe we’ll as we break down strategies and tips and tactics, you know, each and every time we did the podcast, we’ll talk about more, but hopefully that helps you.
Don’t do those things. If you’re doing it like we are. If you’re running in a battle too fast, if you’re not leading, you know, change your gameplay to match, you’ll become a better free fire player and you’ll do better. Um, kind of last thing, I think we, we, we’re running close on time for our first episode where we really appreciate you.
Joining us, but, um, a trash man had some update on what he recommends right now. We want to do some device tech stuff. So in this one, the tech stuff is what tell you what we think right now might be the best phone out there for you to be playing mobile games like free fire.
All right. So I got two of them here.
Does, there is a difference between having just a regular phone and having a gaming phone, same as computers, gaming computers, but so far best phone. Right now I would have to go with either the I pro or the iPhone 13 pro, or it’s going to be the Samsung galaxy 21. But if you have the money to spend, you know, you can go out and just buy it straight up, get a gaming phone.
It’s going to be the ASUS Phone uh, or yeah, ACEs ROG 5 just simply put, it’s got a better display all the way around using the snap dragon, triple eight, processor, 165 Hertz. Definitely going to give you an edge over somebody playing on a eight year old phone
no. I agree. That makes sense. So there you have, if you’re in a, if you’re looking for a new device, there’s some device options for you to go get.
I think probably the economical ones, the ASUS phone for a lot of people, it’s a good gaming phone. Um, it, you know, it’s made for that. It’s not going to be your phone for everything else, but, uh, check, take a look at that. Uh, that’s some of the, our advice we’ll give you more as we go. So I appreciate you guys listed and watching this podcast, that dat venture, I’m excited to be with you each and every episode of the free fire pro podcast here with Flame Carver trash man and busy
And you’ll get more from us here as we go into the future here with free fire, and hopefully we’ll have some more secrets coming up soon.