Which characters in Free Fire are the best to use? Allow us to rank them for you!
This article will show which characters have abilities and strengths to help answer this question. There are around 35 characters in Free fire, so in this article we will start putting them in their respective tiers.
The tier rankings start with S-tier meaning said character is excellent or overpower and goes down to D-tier, which players should avoid if they want their characters stay competitive in the game.

Chrono’s fallen from his once-glory, but he still has a few tricks up his sleeve. The time turner ability can be vital in certain situations and might just save the day when you need him most! But unfortunately, we have to put him at B-tier. His power is still evident, but it’s not what made him one of the game’s most powerful heroes

Jota is a monster when it comes to healing, making him a viable candidate for A-tier. His ability sustained raid allows him to recover HP and keep you in the fight longer than ever before!

Hayato’s ability is Bushido lowers your HP in return for armor penetration, which means that when fighting he comes out swinging but only has a B-tier rank strength in comparison with other characters.

In the current state of free fire, our first S-tier character arrives… Wukong. Wukong’s ability is Camouflage which turns him into the bush, giving you more time for stealth attacks on enemies when they are vulnerable and can mess aim tracking for even some of the most seasoned players.

Ford comes in at a solid D-tier. His ability is considered one of the most useless in free fire game. His ability doesn’t help players when they are outside of its range or safe zones, and he provides less damage than other characters can do for longer periods at push rank levels (which means that most people should avoid playing with him).
I say hayato I use him Alot that why